Dr. John F. Zagotta, Psy. D
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. John F. Zagotta is a Clinical Psychologist in Chicago, IL with special training and skill in identifying and managing psychological disorders. As a Clinical Psychologist, John F. Zagotta, PsyD performs psychological evaluations and creates treatment protocols. Clinical Psychology is the diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral dysfunctions. Significant diseases and conditions treated by Clinical Psychologists include phobias, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Clinical Psychologists include diagnostic observations and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Dr. Zagotta also has extensive experience with veteran populations thru Veteran’s Evaluation Services (VES) for many years.
Guerrilla Teambuilding outlines specific steps for a project manager’s use to create new work groups, implement effective team processes, and achieve success in ongoing team efforts. It accomplishes these goals by establishing win-win working relationships between manager and team members, using specific strategies designed to maximize individual and team-based strengths, leverage the positives of team diversity, optimize effective team member communication, and achieve individual and team peak performance states.